「Indian parents aren't afraid to kill their kids if they have to. ** dad's theory was, if I get rid of one, i'll just make another one. Then I'll tell the new one what an idiot the last one was.」「Somebody gonna get hurt real bad.」
叉叉 2011-11-24
i like his racial jokes and accent, especially when he imitates cantonese english, always makes me laugh! Hey, be a man!!!!! hahahahah
小小农 2011-06-05
还没看完,评价里却没有正在看的键。very cool ~~~the comedian uses racist themes~~~~~:) 无论生活何处,人类共通的劣根,共享的文明,共用的法则,都可是脱口秀的食材。看这类节目,让“警惕”“警醒”的细胞休息,把大脑腾空,尽享休闲。
***熊 2011-09-24
I like his racial jokes soooooooooooooooo much!
青山眉黛 2014-03-25
#偶尔文艺# 080 这场show在纽约?各民族大融合的典范!
酱you君 2017-04-25
Timo 2021-05-22
好年輕,那時甚至還不太出名,需要在台上反覆強調自己叫Russell Peters。講的笑話也沒有太多的技巧性和連貫性,基本上都是些想到哪兒講到哪兒的段子构成,不過開各種種族玩笑的苗頭已經出現,經典的fxxk-face也有了hhh。
亘亘LOOK 2016-01-04
没想到Russell Peters在国内这么火 所有的演出都在优酷看完了......
新鲜舊**の 2018-06-20
北冰洋著名果蔬 2016-11-08
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-08-13
「Indian parents aren't afraid to kill their kids if they have to. ** dad's theory was, if I get rid of one, i'll just make another one. Then I'll tell the new one what an idiot the last one was.」「Somebody gonna get hurt real bad.」
叉叉 2011-11-24
i like his racial jokes and accent, especially when he imitates cantonese english, always makes me laugh! Hey, be a man!!!!! hahahahah