我超喜欢Craig~catchphrase-its a ***** day for america; ppl get offended all the time-im not judging, just being honest-carte blanche;hacky sack-scottish footbag;i was young i was in love it was paris springtime-melon;dont clap when i say im 52-look at him, 52 and still alive;peep show; *** bar-german guy;mick jagger tiny hands;Keith richards ran the band
GGH&& 2015-09-20
remysterium💫 2015-12-12
Istanbul dracula笑死 当年就被雷叔跑的这一嘴好火车圈饭的 XD
feelzero 2015-10-19
Fadoodle doodle do do do~~~~~~~~~~
SyaNHs 2015-09-24
能激栗斯掘墓人 2016-08-14
i LITERALLY worship the trousers that cling to him
Virgil 2024-07-22
个人魅力比较盖过笑料的一场,当时还在过渡期?听得出来现场激动女粉很多,讲特别掉节*的梗的时候会自己笑出来真是signature move……看到一半忍不住跑出来搜Is CF bisexual结果掉进Reddit讨论他单口是不是不好笑的兔子洞(。
UglY_MoNey 2015-09-22
说实话,看完前三分之一,我以为雷叔这次失败了,开始怀疑从退出脱口秀到接任其他节目,是否他的休息时间,准备时间还不够长!?直到遇上了kenny G,笑得屁滚尿流的接到了mick jagger,模仿惟妙惟肖,我本来以为已经够了,果然还是真爱饭把整个rollingstone都涮了一遍太棒了!!!
Marci 2015-10-10
逃跑小鲸鱼 2021-12-14
他好快活呀 打开这么多专场 很少看到这样“我告诉你这个事”完全没有负担感 兴冲冲的 讲着讲着就飞出去再飞回来 以至于我本来觉得也没有多好笑的点也因为讲述者本人而觉得好笑起来 土耳其肯尼G我一个大爆笑
日落可以慢半拍 2018-08-13
我超喜欢Craig~catchphrase-its a ***** day for america; ppl get offended all the time-im not judging, just being honest-carte blanche;hacky sack-scottish footbag;i was young i was in love it was paris springtime-melon;dont clap when i say im 52-look at him, 52 and still alive;peep show; *** bar-german guy;mick jagger tiny hands;Keith richards ran the band
GGH&& 2015-09-20
remysterium💫 2015-12-12
Istanbul dracula笑死 当年就被雷叔跑的这一嘴好火车圈饭的 XD
feelzero 2015-10-19
Fadoodle doodle do do do~~~~~~~~~~
SyaNHs 2015-09-24
能激栗斯掘墓人 2016-08-14
i LITERALLY worship the trousers that cling to him