** mom only respects for money. ** sister, ** dad, everyone. (baby I remember you would lean perfectly in that door way umm as the girl helped me captured that moment and you were doing that again w Attention pervert 3d. 2 times I find the scene very cute
双层芝士 2022-01-17
2022年第一期SNL… 中规中矩吧,最好笑的依然是WU…
妮可***得慢 2022-02-06
舞会男孩和音乐之声和elmo我都挺喜欢的,queen latifah的名字好好用👍🏼这个妹子好会唱,期待新版西区故事
周一就酱 2022-01-20
井戒 2022-08-01
姬达biubiubiu 主持和Kate在一起还挺搭
日落可以慢半拍 2022-01-17
这期除了WU真的很难笑 grind on the outside居然让colin笑成那样咋至于 elmo和rocco是咋回事我都没刷到 还有一开场就spiderman spiderman spiderman我又看不到我真的想哭
猩猩 2022-01-20
Xenia 2022-04-16
夏之城 2022-01-18
其实嘉宾能唱能演range又宽 照理说应该处处生风 可惜这一期给的段子多少都有点inside joke的感觉 不够quirky或者恶趣味
普宁困意 2022-06-10
完蛋溜号了 不知道演啥了 表白麦天天吧(哦哦哦哦Chris真的超级好笑
🍄 2022-03-28
** mom only respects for money. ** sister, ** dad, everyone. (baby I remember you would lean perfectly in that door way umm as the girl helped me captured that moment and you were doing that again w Attention pervert 3d. 2 times I find the scene very cute