看到新闻就在等这期Kate的Sessions了,唱someone like you实在绝了hhhh。monologue好紧张啊说错好几次…****** twins这个绝了,骨科爱好者蠢蠢欲动,而且我一直觉得alex和mikey好磕…WU上Pete那段看过一次了,再看还是😂这位republican真的很拉好感!会玩!一边apology accepted一边上来放A妹的歌实在太狠了233。买房子那个!太***了吧!什么人会把Pete关地下室啊哈哈哈哈哈
imagine this kind of thing: an defeated ****, but still in his prime, thirsting for his happiness, gets to know me, and im still quite a little girl, when nothing is formed yet but i have a way of kinda seduc1ng him and drive him out of his mind like, what to do? the next step?
日落可以慢半拍 2018-11-15
kate真的演jeff sessions超级棒 de niro出现那下好惊喜呀 even though we disagree on major stuff, we all hate the small things unity那个歌还蛮好听的哈哈哈
Evelyn桃桃 2018-11-15
看到新闻就在等这期Kate的Sessions了,唱someone like you实在绝了hhhh。monologue好紧张啊说错好几次…****** twins这个绝了,骨科爱好者蠢蠢欲动,而且我一直觉得alex和mikey好磕…WU上Pete那段看过一次了,再看还是😂这位republican真的很拉好感!会玩!一边apology accepted一边上来放A妹的歌实在太狠了233。买房子那个!太***了吧!什么人会把Pete关地下室啊哈哈哈哈哈
双层芝士 2018-11-18
weekend ****** 好评,poddy's 是很好的 concept 但没有被用得很好,可惜了。
粉圆兒 2018-11-30
大白臉WC15 2018-11-18
主持老忘词啊,也不好笑。不过这次看着不像**人了。weezy back。被dan圈粉,需要这样求同存异的**党人。
Linhiriel 2018-11-16
🍄 2022-04-12
imagine this kind of thing: an defeated ****, but still in his prime, thirsting for his happiness, gets to know me, and im still quite a little girl, when nothing is formed yet but i have a way of kinda seduc1ng him and drive him out of his mind like, what to do? the next step?
日落可以慢半拍 2018-11-15
kate真的演jeff sessions超级棒 de niro出现那下好惊喜呀 even though we disagree on major stuff, we all hate the small things unity那个歌还蛮好听的哈哈哈
抖啊抖 2019-03-20
妮可***得慢 2019-01-01
Liev的确不是喜剧型演员 但演得很认真😂(虽然口误超多)这集的段子也挺优秀
昨日如死 2023-04-23
长的和David Walliams一模一样…