《乳房仙女》又名The Boob Fairy。
Who will best play her part: the dancing lioness or the little girl we attempt to tame? Only the Boob Fairy will know who is really worthy of her attention. The director Léahn Vivier-Chapas is a french director and animator. Graduated with an DMA Animation Cinema, she enters l'École des Métiers du Ciné** d'Animation (EMCA) in Angoulême, then l'École de la Poudrière in Valence w...
胤祥 2022-05-07
#FSP Online# 2021***地平线短片入围(12部补完)。片名可以翻成《**仙女》,不过感觉画风这么夸张,其实可以翻成《**大仙》这种……用马戏团这个喻体来讲社会对女性物化,**风格和文本都很厉害。确实如评论所说能让人想起今 敏《红辣椒》(开场梦境,巨型肉堆,以及音乐也很像平泽进)。
// 2021-09-10
带劲!社会性、思想性和观赏性都做到了满分。 今日短片展映Top 1 #Venice
indulge 2022-05-03
girl-boob-parenting-boob fairy. lioness-dance-trainer-gun.