《轮班》又名The Shift。
Anna and Lucia, two women in their twenties, one Italian and one of Nigerian origin, take turns caring for Maria, a bedridden old lady living in a large, antiquated and silent house. Anna looks after Maria during the day, while Lucia has the night shift: the change of shift is the only moment at which the two young women meet, but in that short **** of time the differences betw...
胤祥 2021-09-10
#78th Venice Sala Web# 地平线短片入围。剪辑和音乐用得有点意思(但也挺让人烦的)。
那朵椰菜花 2021-09-12
**不见了🐱 2021-09-12
倒是可以发展成黑白问题的像《Get Out》一样的长片。