唔,有点矫情。「SNL is like ****: it's still here, it's just no one has gotten excited about it since the 90's.」现时这档节目实在一言难尽。 Anya说她的母语是西班牙语,瞬间不讨厌「傲娇英国白人女」形象的她了,虽然我觉得这是公关*作,向美国观众提升亲和力。黑白两位新闻主播「交换笑话」尬出天际,可以不要再玩吗,纵使racist joke是黑人写出来的,也还是有点令人不适,哗众取恨啊。
i am what i am. tough men dont dance. when you hit a nerve I know youve done it right😇😇 Doing calculations and notepad this kind of stuff is a ***** way for me to keep track of myself🤣🤣 I mean your character acrs your story acrs is very important to me so show some **** because everyone is Doing that and there is no reason you can not, need some mind control 😄😄 i tarnished too many today. they deserve it tho, Just so so like no big deal I dont mind no one hears me I can say whatever I want
Xavia 2021-05-25
唔,有点矫情。「SNL is like ****: it's still here, it's just no one has gotten excited about it since the 90's.」现时这档节目实在一言难尽。 Anya说她的母语是西班牙语,瞬间不讨厌「傲娇英国白人女」形象的她了,虽然我觉得这是公关*作,向美国观众提升亲和力。黑白两位新闻主播「交换笑话」尬出天际,可以不要再玩吗,纵使racist joke是黑人写出来的,也还是有点令人不适,哗众取恨啊。
**跳跳 2021-05-26
史上最无聊cold open我哭死,过去一年的命都是这两季snl给的。Anya啊啊啊啊啊是蜕变叭!蜕变!怎么比金球上还好看,太夸张了我竟然体会到了养成的乐趣。Kyle的laidback Jesus本季最佳,就很可爱。
托卡苏 2021-05-23
本季最喜欢的主持和嘉宾组合❤️ WU季末笑话真的是赛着作死,看谁先被cancel掉对不。
猩猩 2021-05-25
season finale真是每季最佳!全都是下周就放假了的熊孩子们的心情,**放飞胡来。ATJ也太美了,演天使那个根本就是本人吧。cold open回顾这一季,连Kate都差点哭我真的是憋不住。这一年真是太魔幻了,希望卡司不要走太多啊TAT
资深低阶路人 2021-05-27
双层芝士 2021-05-23
大概是我看过最平平无奇的 season finale 了... wu 还是扛大旗...
DA_JR11 2021-11-07
kidultcc 2021-05-24
Anya主持的这集finale竟然还不错 cold open太有爱了我要加一星awwwww
cult 2023-07-28
🍄 2022-03-28
i am what i am. tough men dont dance. when you hit a nerve I know youve done it right😇😇 Doing calculations and notepad this kind of stuff is a ***** way for me to keep track of myself🤣🤣 I mean your character acrs your story acrs is very important to me so show some **** because everyone is Doing that and there is no reason you can not, need some mind control 😄😄 i tarnished too many today. they deserve it tho, Just so so like no big deal I dont mind no one hears me I can say whatever I want