Dr James Fox has never really got conceptual art. And he's not alone. Conceptual art has been treated with suspicion and incredulity by virtually everyone outside the art world for nearly a hundred years. Ever since Marcel Duchamp first displayed a signed urinal and claimed it was art in 1917. So was he taking the ****? Or was he on to something, creating a whole new approach t...
思语 2019-05-20
crystal53451 2021-02-28
金色狮子 2018-01-15
木容日生 2020-06-05
Art without idea is just decorate
E 2016-11-05
Martin Creed的音樂太可愛了,Robert Montgomery的部分令人動容。
SString 2023-09-05
Art without ideas is just decoration lol. Fox依然可可**,看完多了一点对conceptual art的理解。
辛明白 2020-06-18
对观念艺术不错的一个角度,可看性强,可能是**原因,感觉选择作品典型性不够。博士采访最好的艺术家我觉得是最后的唯一女性Katie,虽为女性,但是格局最大, 已经在讨论宇宙和空间了,作品也有女性特有的细腻,但是呈现效果差强人意。
Chen 2018-01-07
纸团那个 我之前生气 和同学说contemporary art有人是在里面混的 谁能看得出来 对方那时没懂 我现在只是无语 或者是迷茫