Marina Abramovic travels through Brazil, in search of personal healing and artistic inspiration, experiencing sacred rituals and revealing her creative process. The route is comprised of poignant encounters with healers and sages from the Brazilian countryside, exploring the limits between art and spirituality. This external trip triggers in Marina a profound introspective jour...
MAYHOW 2017-08-29
看玛瑞娜的作品总会很有启发,这部也不例外。越往后越神奇,不可否认的是在世界某个角落,有些人是用直觉过活,还有些人有特定的仪式洗刷灵魂的尘垢。如一位剧中人所说:People find what they seek through their own faith.
阝女 2019-03-01
trauma, loneliness, fear, pain. 片子就普通吧,和它奇长的名字一样没什么主见,主要人物太强大了,倒也因此拍出来不会难看。捏鸡蛋那段印象深刻。**之后影像也十足**。不过最硬核还是手术,并且还怼上去猛拍,并且还放在片头。一切她在**的经历变成艺术馆里的装置传达给参观者的收尾可以很有意味。很喜欢最后过字幕的时候放的音效,蚊子声过于真实。
迪仔I编号223 2018-08-02
与人群相隔 与世界相连 我已死去了一万次。
一叶 2019-01-07
真-疗愈之旅travelogue. the spiritual seeking that turns exotic mysticism into transcendence.
uova。 2016-06-30
猶黎士 2017-09-17
Thank god I really love Marina! Ritual/Transformation, thanks for all the inspirations.
英寻 2017-10-18
marina對著鏡頭講她做這個紀錄片是因為最近幾年她心太痛了必須要找到解脫出口的一刻 我覺得這個片子很假
安可期 2020-05-27
.夜鶯。 2016-11-08
ritual / transformation, cosmos / beyond cosmos
蚊子酱 2018-08-16