《回到你怀抱》又名Back in Your Arms。
1961. A father and his daughter are trying to meet in Berlin after seventeen years when destiny had separated them. The father is from Soviet Lithuania and the daughter, an émigré living in the United States. Irrespective that there is a “thawing” period in the Soviet Union and the wall has not been built yet in Berlin, the Cold War is approaching its culmination. As soon as fa...
hitlike 2016-05-05
羊香鱼有有 2019-05-14
最后欢乐的Back to your arms 歌有种生命值得的感觉,和高墙树立冷战开始极度反差。立陶宛美国**在德的东西骨肉分离,战乱时期不得已成为世界公民…想想生在和平当下实在是by chance. 以及,看他们能拍这种东西就莫名焦虑,想到Cercei说的history will be how you make it, 现在不拍不写,以后不会有人记得了…我们只能拍拍《归来》这种撑死了。最后想说第五分钟就被撩昏古七了,想跳舞。生肉,还是**小语种生肉**…