《石墙之前》又名Before Stonewall。
In 1969, the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a *** bar in New York ****'s Greenwich Village - leading to three nights of rioting by the ****'s *** community. With this outpouring of courage and unity, the *** Liberation Movement had begun. Before Stonewall pries open the closet door - setting free the dramatic story of the sometimes horrifying public and private existences exp...
只有散步我们才 2021-09-10
太惊讶,居然有那么早之前的影像资料, 太informative了!梳理了石墙之前的时间线,讲到二战**里的性少数,冷战时期麦卡锡主义,民权运动,以及how *** neighborhoods in nyc and ** form *** voting blocks.
Nee 2019-06-07
Amazing archive footage. A look back at *** America from the roaring 20s, the depression, WWII, the repressive 50s, to the emerging liberation and militancy of the civil rights movement of the 60s, and the flower child/hippy movement. *** history 101.
[Deleted] 2019-07-01
6/30 LGBT pride parade day, 六月最后一部电影;对LGBT来说,在80年代既是勇气也是**的**,这份记录最为珍贵;
唠叨巴勒特 2023-11-21
Säger 2019-11-19
意义大于纪录片本身的完成度 觉得几段footage可以和之前nwr出过的剥削系列对照着看一定很有趣
暂时被** 2020-09-16
落叶泪 2017-09-04
soya 2020-09-07
这个比celluloid closet好很多呀 纪录片对于社会的理解更加全面! 其实影视的力量很小,只是一部分罢了! allen ginsberg!爱死你这个小秃子了
电子羊闪闪 2019-11-20
快活不知时日过 2012-09-14
with a lot i cannot comprehand