This fictionalized story, based on the family life of writer James Jones, is an emotionless slice-of-life story. Jones here is portrayed as Bill Willis, a former war **** and now successful author who obviously drinks too much and is starting to experience health problems. Living in France with his wife, daughter, and an adopted son, the family travels an unconventional road th...
【守破離】 2007-10-21
one of ** favorite Ivory's. he really masters the complexity and subtlety of human feelings and relations well in these kind of family drama
JeuneDanny 2024-02-06
ytb 360p 法语部分内嵌英字 看过的第70部Jane B. 感人至深的家庭纪事 听到了Teenie Weenie Boppie, Di Doo Dah, La Vie en Rose,还有些英摇,Dalida