several hrs ago me the dully had made might 100 promises to **-pathetic-self like 'ill thrive'.. 'looking ahead'... the kind of routine(actually nonsense) must be 'respected' (in a bizarre way that only i can understand) but it no longer carrys much meaning if i tend to continue doing these --- all talking no action bs.
Raison d'Être 2017-02-21
开场为何这样戏弄Strong姐,你以为La La Land哪!真是敬业
双层芝士 2017-02-12
上一集 Melissa McCarthy 演 Sean Spicer 太火了,这集终于上 Cold Open 了,但是感觉没有那么惊喜。鲍叔的第17次主持,独白里自黑真是令人感伤,几个 sketch 都很棒...
大白臉WC15 2017-02-24
make america laugh again. 总统发言人可比总统好玩多了。strong真是拼。
RIC 2017-02-16
Evelyn桃桃 2018-06-01
Cold opening有毒吧哈哈哈哈讲台动起来了我惊呆了!再次感慨Kate的Kellyanne真的绝了。Alec Baldwin真的是,自视甚高老白男的典型了,架不住是真的帅且有趣()
🍄 2022-07-18
several hrs ago me the dully had made might 100 promises to **-pathetic-self like 'ill thrive'.. 'looking ahead'... the kind of routine(actually nonsense) must be 'respected' (in a bizarre way that only i can understand) but it no longer carrys much meaning if i tend to continue doing these --- all talking no action bs.
浑浊儿 2017-02-18
心疼鲍叔明明还是帅的 30rock粉看到跟tracy抱觉得好暖 这次要为cecily鼓掌
RealityBites 2017-02-20
Melissa的Sean Spicer可以**常驻么!Beck Bennett的光膀子普京真的是每集都要露一下,哈哈。
bayer04 2017-02-16
Sean Spicer & Steve Bannon spot on!川普上台后值得重新开始看SNL!
shanelean 2017-02-23