The soundtrack is catchy and the people are beautiful. I deeply don't care about the drama happening between them and fell asleep on the finale so didn't know how it ended. But I really like the beginnings which stage the theme for each episode. To me that 5 seconds is **** thoughtful and outstanding than most TV shows.
周府真 2020-05-10
虽然都是后《****》**的作品,表面上有着和《恋恋鞋子追爱记》一样的缺点,女主角们千篇一律,个人特色不足不够多元化,但很明智的没有刻意模仿《****》大玩时尚炫目华丽风,同时剧本设定也更趋于现实,还用了*****车司机和uber的世纪大矛盾来作为开篇也显得很聪明,欧洲的大环境氛围一**现出来,本土化做得很好,和《****》比少了很多喜剧元素,插曲很多耳熟之作,如《The Acid - Basic Instinct》,算是比较成功的西班牙版《****》了
Vanessa 2020-05-28
The soundtrack is catchy and the people are beautiful. I deeply don't care about the drama happening between them and fell asleep on the finale so didn't know how it ended. But I really like the beginnings which stage the theme for each episode. To me that 5 seconds is **** thoughtful and outstanding than most TV shows.
不忘 2020-09-13
沙尘暴 2020-06-03
咩~ 2020-05-16
Harmonica 2022-05-02
这点破事儿能拍8集……Diana Gómez以及这类型的演员果然更适合纸钞屋里Tatiana那种**点缀型角色,真要ta们当主演,就原形毕露了,演技根本撑不起来,哪怕是这种也不需要多少演技的娱乐剧……
🥥 2020-06-12
sun5200654 2020-05-12
西班牙演員都這樣開放 動不動就**拍床戲 難道都不會有反應?
Momo 2021-05-20
理紀 2022-03-08
*** 太熟悉了...... 西班牙人比戏里还抓**