I would like Joey to know that he has two mothers,one that loved him so much that she couldn't let him go and one that loved him so much that she had to.太感人了**!
水青月古 2011-10-26
i would like Joey to konw that he - he has tow mothers, one that loved him so much that she couldn't let him go... And one that loved him so much that she had to.
玖叁叁 2011-07-22
呼笑成疯弗雷德 2011-06-14
一个妈妈因为太爱他,而无法放他走。而他另一个妈妈因为太爱他,而不得不放他走。。 伤不起啊
默 2011-09-08
齊克斯尼力佐飛 2012-03-01
I would like Joey to know that he has two mothers,one that loved him so much that she couldn't let him go and one that loved him so much that she had to.太感人了**!
水青月古 2011-10-26
i would like Joey to konw that he - he has tow mothers, one that loved him so much that she couldn't let him go... And one that loved him so much that she had to.
★冰凌宫★ 2011-06-27
乌尔詹 2012-11-09
luluya 2011-07-12
其实感觉剧情有点松散 臭婆娘构图太多显得不太真实。。。