This season was not bad, not only the candidates, but also the **** as well. The final two was both deserved no doubt, but in ** opinion, I'd prefer the runner up to win. by the way, Arnold was clearly very passionate on this show and he performed very well.
coré 2017-01-10
B站生肉av7844187 熟肉制作中 招翻译
己注销 2017-05-06
people wanna to be you .people wanna to look like you.这是偶像成**吧,真的看了美国的真人秀就知道***的演员有多好看了。。。还有维密天使的街拍
yum 2017-02-05
这节目要把我培养成慕高狂了,走了180的Ivanka来了196的Lisa Leslie(EP9-Steve Ballmer的项目超热血超基)。现在几乎可以从长相行业判断名次了,条顺+情绪稳定(+主持人)能进决赛,Boy George走到最后意外但开心。场外唐床破和州长撕得也好看。
熊仔面 2021-02-14
坚持猪 2019-09-29
This season was not bad, not only the candidates, but also the **** as well. The final two was both deserved no doubt, but in ** opinion, I'd prefer the runner up to win. by the way, Arnold was clearly very passionate on this show and he performed very well.
☀鸢笙 2023-03-12