1944 Bretton Woods - 1960s LBJ overspending for Vietnam - 1971 Nixon turned USD to floating fiat currency - “***** Inflation” - 1979 Paul Volcker appointed to raise rates - 1987 Greenspan appointed - **** landing for 1987 stock ****** crash - LTCM Greenspan Put cleaned up the mess but not the root of the problem - Bernanke continued bailout and QE
Ben笨熊 2022-03-22
monomania 2017-01-02
Greenspan Put: the perceived attempt of then-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan, of propping up the securities markets by lowering interest rates and thereby helping money flow into the markets.
kooperl 2022-03-15
反舌 2018-02-01
豆泡儿 2021-10-08
很好的central banking科普,从长期低利率到无限QE,无中生有的奥秘——让穷人的子孙来还吧!子子孙孙无穷尽也……
优游卒岁 2022-05-01
jiade 2022-08-13
夜波来 2020-08-29
1944 Bretton Woods - 1960s LBJ overspending for Vietnam - 1971 Nixon turned USD to floating fiat currency - “***** Inflation” - 1979 Paul Volcker appointed to raise rates - 1987 Greenspan appointed - **** landing for 1987 stock ****** crash - LTCM Greenspan Put cleaned up the mess but not the root of the problem - Bernanke continued bailout and QE
Ben笨熊 2022-03-22
monomania 2017-01-02
Greenspan Put: the perceived attempt of then-chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan, of propping up the securities markets by lowering interest rates and thereby helping money flow into the markets.
crystal 2022-03-20
美联储、金融危机、次贷危机、房地产泡沫、通货膨胀、货币政策,这篇纪录片真的讲得好清楚。致敬Paul Volker,他的伟大之处在于他敢于顶着一片骂声在自己的任期内去做会产生短期痛苦但有助于人民长期利益的决策,而在他的决策起了作用的时候,他已卸任了。这个世界需要这样的人^_^
解夏。 2022-09-03