电视台记者挖掘出一个令人震惊的秘密,她深入发觉越显得是自觉坟墓,当可怕的真相终于发现,恐怖才刚刚开始。 A television reporter unearths a shocking secret while investigating the horrific murder of two rural Wisconsin twins in this reality shocker purportedly assembled from the found footage of a missing news crew. Meredith Phillips thought she had found the story that was going to make her famous. But now the deeper she probes fo...
ladder95 2011-08-02
木拉提·麥麥提 2017-04-15
有种实验片的元电影的感觉,将侦探悬疑与恐怖置于电影拍摄的形式当中,就创意来说,还是very nice。