电影集合为您提供Penn & Teller: Fool Us,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Penn & Teller go to the U.K to find a magician who can "fool them" If Penn & Teller can figure out the trick performed the magician is out but if they do not get it the magician wins a ticket to Las Vegas and get to open for Penn & Teller live
坐等1900 2020-10-16
最棒的综艺了 嘉宾和评委互相说暗语就能懂 观众傻呵呵看个乐子 世界上怎么会有魔术这么奇妙的东西 真想去霍格瓦兹进修一下魔法课程啊
Jorji Costava 2016-12-26
Alyson Hannigan主持! Penn & Teller也好棒
Baristina 2017-11-02
荼笑 2021-08-20
赛制有趣,Penn & Teller确实是传奇,主持人Jonathan Ross也很逗
柳絮簌簌 2021-10-08
Steven|海边的卡夫卡 2018-07-11
nothing better than magic show of this genre!
一味药 2011-04-22
狐卿۩ 2021-02-02
It's a magic feeling to belong to a secret society and speaking code in front of the public.
弯弯 2017-09-29
偶然看到这个节目,看到James ****算是个意外,他在BGT里面的表演更加成熟。
龙翔断九天 2011-07-05