《一个生命的开始》又名Une vie qui commence。
The film tells the story of a French Quebecker family at the beginning of the 1960s. Jacques Langevin (François Papineau) is a doctor and a father who lives in a suburb of Montreal with his family. In short, he's got everything to be happy. However, because of a secret he's kept for many years, Jacques suddenly dies. From this moment on, we get to see how his family lives their...
Yen Kwok 2011-08-25
Seven 2011-06-16
2011.06.15 导演说主旨是:The death is a part of our lives. I nearly cried in front of the director. 故事很细腻,结尾稍显矫揉,但是悲伤五阶段之后生活就该继续。
mideastsptfire 2011-06-19
这次电影节太不*务父亲节了 去年还有嗲父子片可以看 今年全是死爹的!
kelling 2011-06-18