Ireland 1977. Eleven-year-old Damian Lynch (SCOTT GRAHAM) is called in at the last moment to serve as an altar boy at an important mass in his local parish. Following his last appearance as an altar boy when he knocked Father O'Toole off the altar, Damien is serving a 3 month ban from his only passion in life...football. To make matters worse, Damian's team, Liverpool FC, are p...
a little mark 2012-06-25
荼笑 2012-10-19
勵帝或 2014-02-28
【Kìd〗 2012-02-19
太贱了这个。。。。。。= = 五部里面最不喜欢的
yogabear 2012-02-21
** second favorite among live shorts. really smart to cut into the edge of craziness of religion and sports. and knock up the laughing point.
让鱼冷静一下 2016-03-16
Ireland 1977. Eleven-year-old Damian Lynch (SCOTT GRAHAM) is called in at the last moment to serve as an altar boy at an important mass in his local parish.
ReMinD 2024-04-09
海报就说明了 这个足球小子呀。哈哈哈。
你说,你先说、 2016-03-16
Ireland 1977. Eleven-year-old Damian Lynch (SCOTT GRAHAM) is called in at the last moment to serve as an altar boy at an important mass in his local parish.
** 2012-02-11
【84届奥斯卡最佳真人短片提名】70年代的足球迷少年大闹教堂= =
PETE. 2012-02-17