The groundbreaking original movie “Five” is an anthology of five short films exploring the impact of breast cancer on people’s lives. “Five” highlights the shared experience each short film’s title character endures from the moment of diagnosis, through an interconnected story arc that uses humor and drama to focus on the effect breast cancer and its different stages of diagnos...
红茶不拿铁 2024-05-20
意料之外還算好看,Jennifer Aniston導演水平不錯。
decidels 2011-11-04
Eileen 2012-05-20
五个简短的小故事,围绕着breast cancer,风格迥异,却各个触动人心。
一起吃地瓜 2019-03-05
**电影 2011-11-18
还别说,几位女明星的导演短片拼盘还真有几分姿色!最出人意料的是每个故事的女主角表演都让人印象深刻,无论是破碎**的小女孩还是在癌病中挣扎的中年**。亲情题材,**戏,就连摄影机都变得细腻了起来,有些MV,有些肥皂剧,水准虽然差距很大,但还是有惊喜,比如Demi Moore的开篇就不错。★★★
m. 2012-07-21
"A restaurant in Italy, in lake Como..called Locanda Dell Isola. One bite of their Bresaola Della Valtellina-one bite, the world'll be a bigger place...Because of all that *****, and because of that Bresaola, u'll start looking beyond, even start wondering-what's next."2012.7.20
Riona 2011-11-27
原来就是个粉红丝带宣传片。水平实在很参差。Pearl那段导得很成熟啊。Jennifer Aniston那段如果没有Patricia Clarkson压阵就太轻**了。
湏 2013-02-22
谁知道除了优酷有这部电影 哪里还能在线看到? 谢谢
April 2012-05-07
总体还凑合,毕竟不是专业的导演,而且都是小故事也比较的地难以发挥,喜欢 Patricia Clarkson 那一段,觉得她一直演的都不错, 看得我感动。