Cartman takes Kyle to court because he refuses to follow through with his promise to **** Cartman's balls if they see a Leprechaun. Meanwhile, Muslim extremists attack "Imaginationland," and the government plans a counter-attack.
Eric 2010-06-07
well,well,well,**** ** dry balls
♥愛麗斯♥ 2010-05-31
Kyle为了拯救Stan而sucks Cartman's balls的故事[弥天大误]
張咩咩🌈 2014-05-07
[已注销] 2012-09-12
Dude you promised, now **** ** ****
扑糕仔 2015-03-16
****** bionic 2012-09-01
oh ****!!!!!!!好棒!!!!!!!!!
JACKIEXIA 2014-05-03
Imaginationland三部曲,超赞!黑星际之门黑的丧心病狂,黄油果然拯救世界!卡胖寻仇线简直Rambo,Kyle最后果然还是没逃过想象的威力啊233 2014.5.1
Tipsy Darkness 2009-10-24
这个片子本身非常好!但是,完全就是season12里面3集嘛?一点都没变化,好不容下载下来很失望。不过没看过season 12的同学,这个的确很经典
hungry 2013-09-26
2008赢得了 Emmy for "Outstanding Animated Program for One Hour or ****". S11E10-12
Wingc 2011-02-26
F*cking Awesome! 更上一部电影版比又高了一点点。