《魔法旅行》又名Magic Trip: Ken Kesey's Search for a Kool Place。
A freewheeling portrait of Ken Kesey and the Merry Prankster's fabled road trip across America.
比较好,80分:游客提到的优点:干净 厨房好 浴室很干净 价格实惠 整体感觉不错。
豆子舔着卡** 2014-09-18
**拍的真棒 we weren't old enough to be beatniks and bit too old to be hippies
42|o●ö 2013-02-05
aaaa i've always wanted to try acid :(
2的3次方 2016-01-31
1/30/2016有几个镜头拍的**又摇滚。靠!***居然是***,有医生开过给我。无聊的片子。在**在后墙上打瞌睡时,他们把车开到了Cali,待我逐渐脱离梦境,迷迷糊糊,半梦半醒,亦真亦幻时,他们都抵达了New Orleans,然后都到了NYC……可是等我真正清醒时,他们居然又回到了Cali,然后Oregon。
サー 2014-02-04
用力撕 2011-12-08
Real footage from the 60s'
YellowCola 2011-09-12
very raw material about the hippie life on the road.