This one reel comedy is a pretty good parody of the westerns of its time。It's nothing fancy,but it takes a light,upbeat approach and has some funny gag ideas。Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels always seem to work together well,and Snub Pollard is also here,in a smaller role。
stknight 2012-03-04
This one reel comedy is a pretty good parody of the westerns of its time。It's nothing fancy,but it takes a light,upbeat approach and has some funny gag ideas。Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels always seem to work together well,and Snub Pollard is also here,in a smaller role。
伯樵·阿苏勒 2010-01-14
HurryShit 2016-02-19
惡搞西部片。雖然有戴眼鏡,但這片形象跟常見的The Boy略有不同,感覺是在試水溫。片長只有13分鐘,Lloyd居然拖到快5分鐘才出場,很奇怪。
小黄左 2021-08-25
小艺 2012-04-29
丁一 2021-03-30
崔喜悦 2012-02-24
开场十分混乱,粗略而又滑稽。有两个点比较有意思,一是貌似这一部小短片里又出现了弱不禁风的华人亚裔形象,这次是老Pierre小饭馆里的傻大个儿弱不禁风男招待。二是结尾处设置了一个意料之外的出场,孩子们不是Billy Blazes的,而是一个牛仔和一个印第安**的孩子?晕了。。。。。
乧牖zumio 2022-05-26