Determined to find out the true effects of marijuana on the human body, stand-up comedian and former Stoner of the Year Doug Benson documents his experience avoiding pot for 30 days and then consuming massive amounts of the drug for 30 days. **** than just an amusing story of one man's quest to get superhigh, this documentary also examines the hotly contested debate over medica...
Chery 2014-07-07
怎么好像看到了Breaking Bad里的律师啊。。。
york 2009-07-01
正如片子中再三提到的,不可避免的,它会和super size me比较.无论是话题性,深刻性,都要差许多了.
一"一 2008-07-23
This is stupid. 对pot有兴趣,我承认。有pot吧第一次听说。但是这家伙有够傻的。要让我相信pot利大于弊,可算是当我傻的。
Miss Celia 2009-03-21
I thought it would be **** fun....
Headstone_x 2017-08-07
You will never know,until you get stone 一看评论里呼过的就没几个,自以为正常的**
gotyan 2009-09-02