Not as hilarious as last episode, but still an awesome piece. I love road-trip mixed with buddy film genre film! This is what I want to make, nothing about art! nothing nutrition! It's like hamburger, rubbish food though, you just have to take a bite! biblical!!
☯ TAKO ☯ 2010-03-28
卖**武士 2012-02-03
明少 2012-03-29
【美国喜剧片】【公路式电影+青春校园性喜剧 追爱的旅行 不如第一部 ** 4星】kL
红男 2010-11-15
披着**的鬼 2012-06-03
和1比起来差距不小 类似美国派那些外传
帖拉索伊朵 2014-01-27
Not as hilarious as last episode, but still an awesome piece. I love road-trip mixed with buddy film genre film! This is what I want to make, nothing about art! nothing nutrition! It's like hamburger, rubbish food though, you just have to take a bite! biblical!!
**窃贼 2013-12-22
Sally?imdb9?9 2012-06-05
和第一部也太差不多了……阿三太不像阿三了……beer pong这种比赛也太坑爹了……