Black and White Short Animation This film is incredible. The most captivating piece of animation I have seen. It takes film noir approach and tells the story of an animator who gets the tables turned upon him. An animator has died and the puppets he has spent his whole life animating, then proceed to animate him instead. It is a very personal experience as they treat him with t...
小羊仔 2011-07-12
纪念布偶之父Jim Henson。生前他*纵布偶,死后布偶不愿面对,默默*纵着他的**,好像父亲还活着一样。难以置信这是学生作品。很伤心,很好的想法,让人动容。overtime,延续的时间。over time,(Jim )死的时候,(Sesame Street)结束的时候。
gem010 2011-01-15
翁小样 2009-12-24
youku 1520 外公家 ****://movie.douban****/review/2893937/
Vini_Kazma 2012-04-21
Black and White Short Animation
Seamoon 2013-02-17
. 2011-04-23
finally, he is dead. 很棒的光影
王贤 2009-12-12