This Warner Bros. short is a jam session with several outstanding African-American jazz musicians, including Lester Young. Darkly lit and with a mood that matches the music, the film was groundbreaking in its day and was a showcase for then lesser-known musicians and entertainers who would not otherwise have had exposure to a much larger audience. Written by garykmcd
大佑 2022-10-11
5.0 第一個鏡頭靈感來於Buster Keaton的balloonatic(1923)裡的第一個鏡頭。拍太好了,Lester Young的管裡會冒煙也太帥了⋯
spondee 2016-04-29
https://youtu.be/rWDxsudvCX4 開頭的帽子引入。這菸霧。這演奏特寫。這剪影。這銷魂的現場。1944年!!!
kubrick215 2015-03-28
太喜欢这个短片了 烟雾缭绕的小黑屋子 几个男人 几把乐器 一个火热的****家摇起来~
4991cissalk 2020-09-21
感觉即兴还是差点意思? 画面蛮好的,就是有点太Blues了不是我喜欢的那个Jazz的subgenre,所以不是特别能被氛围touch到