《帕拉杰诺夫最后的春天》又名Параджанов: Последняя весна。
Made in wartime and edited in candlelight, Mikhail Vartanov's rarely-seen masterpiece tells about his friendship with the genius Sergei Parajanov who was imprisoned by KGB "at the peak of his artistic power". Vartanov takes us back with the scenes from his censored 1969 film The Color of Armenian Land where Paradjanov is at work on his suppressed chef-d'oeuvre The Color of Pome...
树上的萨德 2016-04-13
乌** 2021-08-04
呵呵 2020-10-14
舌在足矣 2024-07-07
內有惡女 2024-11-16
@ IDFA 美麗絕倫的***(誤 看傑作偶爾感到和作者有心靈上的親近,但帕拉傑諾夫卻永遠遙不可及。
Zoe Diao 2024-07-07
MoMI, Astoria. 导演儿子亲临介绍。美则美矣,结尾对病榻上的帕拉杰诺夫的凝视多少令人不适。
丁一 2012-11-19
豆友122849321 2020-12-18
狸奴·波赫修斯 2024-11-17
good quality of the restoration. between Parajanov and this documentary, the intensity of the former derives from the pure perception of a flat object while that of the latter derives from an equal treatment of the former's material, so that a certain parity is formed between the two here, an ideal surface
Brandy 2024-12-08