Every year hundreds of people -- mostly women -- are attacked with acid in Pakistan. SAVING FACE follows several of these survivors, their fight for justice, and a Pakistani plastic surgeon who has returned to his homeland to **** them restore their faces and their lives. The 84th Annual Academy Awards Best Documentary, Short Subjects Nomination
柏林苍穹下 2012-04-13
奥斯卡最佳纪录短片。OL ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XMzc0MjgxODA4.html
Carpe Diem 2013-03-19
V_Lachesis 2012-02-21
Fearlessly hit the serious social issue and the bone of culture and pushing some changes. Bravo!
emondora 2012-02-27
弯弯 2014-04-12
an uplifting moment to capture. note: a plastic surgeon dealing with this has to have a character like the guy in the film
juliette 2012-04-02
印象很深的一个片段:saving face之后**先thank god, then thank you(医生),如果**真的有用,那这个故事根本就不会发生。完全没有办法认同***教。
izzy 2012-08-01
Jason 2013-06-21
【严重重口味】曾经,我以为女性被****所留下的痛苦和阴影是对其最大的伤害,看过这片之后,现在,我知道我错了。虽然没有中文翻译,但即使听不懂只用眼睛看也绝对足够了。虽然我是在吃饭时看完的,但同情和愤怒之意没有让我呕吐出来。#没办法亲身经历的事就试着体验一下吧# #片源Shared#
Bill 2012-04-01
bugz 2016-07-17
泼酸毁容,居然能判处2个终身监禁... 好厉害哦。 **罪相比之下,真可以忽略不计了。3.5星