安德鲁·马尔(Andrew Marr)从他获奖的《现代英国史》(History of Modern Britain)一书***我们带回了20世纪上半叶,这是英国历史上最生动、变化最迅速、最令人兴奋的时期之一。他重温了爱德华**的戏剧,20年代和30年代的疯狂过山车,以及两场毁灭性的世界大战的国家大事。 从****女王的死到从敦刻尔克撤退;从大罢工到电缆街之战;从查理·卓别林到****;从音乐大厅到D-Day,安德鲁·马尔带我们参观了这个迷人的**,现代英国正在蓬勃发展。(有道翻译)
虞葱葱 2011-09-04
What a brutal history of Britain~ Very shocking for me.
Whatever 2018-02-28
it takes a Scot to rat on his fellow Englishmen 2333333
oooo 2013-02-03
sarah🇺🇦 2015-07-26
1901-1945, and after that, things are much duller...
生锈的佩剑 2020-04-07
約瑟夫 2012-07-22
He's been one of ** most favourite *** journalists who belongs to the most talented few number in his generation. Never boring but with insightful perspective into serious issues.
小杏子 2022-01-23