Director Tamra Davis pays homage to her friend in this definitive documentary but also delves into Basquiat as an iconoclast. His dense, bebop-influenced neoexpressionist work emerged while minimalist, conceptual art was the fad; as a successful black artist, he was constantly confronted by racism and misconceptions. Much can be gleaned from insider interviews and archival foot...
OreoEmpanada 2019-01-22
罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉 2014-06-02
么什叫定决能不 2016-10-26
口几 2011-04-16
黄小米 2017-11-13
他和keith haring都没能活到这个世纪。每一步都前无来者很难得,今天有太多模仿他的小孩。
scherzo 2015-10-26
"He had a special talent to take all the street energies and translate them into high art" 第一次一夜之間賣掉所有的畫拿著2000美元帶著女朋友去了中國餐館。Jean的眼神里把他的所有都能表現出來了。
弯弯 2011-02-23
his radiant personality helped him become famous just as much as his talents, not that much artistry, but a sharp perception and sensitivity
Griet 2015-07-26
This is a song for the genius child. Sing it softly, for the song is wild. Sing it softly as ever you can. Let the song get out of hand.
∞afterMATH 2023-05-29
被圈养的艺术家。剪辑和音乐好好啊 蹲完片尾也没看到音乐list好难顶。Nobody loves a genius child的旁白一出真的爆哭😢
nora 2012-10-20
Nobody loves a genius child,can you love an ego tame or wild? Wild or tame ? Free him and let his soul run wild ...