Why is Filmmaking of this kind always grossly narcissistic… like pls just chill
googoooomuck 2024-09-01
烂片中的烂片就是披着最华丽最炫酷的American pretty girl film
Grawlix 2024-09-10
Seems like the director needed to see a therapist **** than ****** a film. From the way she directs the shoot and how her crew members work, it is no surprise how the film turns out. The narrating is annoying, to say the least, her repeating her abortion and family issues over and over again fails to integrate well with her memories of the shoot.
Almond 2024-10-27
Like it a lot, wonderful Saturday night movies
时日无多 2024-10-18
what is art and what it gives to life
Azeril 2024-12-11
有关青春年少和自我梦想的故事 当然也是扎根于友谊和家庭的故事. 拼贴风格 有些流于表面. 剪辑和镜头感还可以.
salty 2024-12-22
Why is Filmmaking of this kind always grossly narcissistic… like pls just chill
googoooomuck 2024-09-01
烂片中的烂片就是披着最华丽最炫酷的American pretty girl film
Grawlix 2024-09-10
Seems like the director needed to see a therapist **** than ****** a film. From the way she directs the shoot and how her crew members work, it is no surprise how the film turns out. The narrating is annoying, to say the least, her repeating her abortion and family issues over and over again fails to integrate well with her memories of the shoot.
贱嘴小老头 2024-04-17
@大月半子 2024-09-06
momo妈妈 2024-09-29
esoteric hybrid film.更像一种vlog,但也妹人说不能这样拍吧。
ingugna 2024-10-29
#TIFF_MDFF Selects# 拼接美丽素材的方式还不错,通过明显失真的道具和明显夸张的表演,试图以此reinforce对女性birth giving苦痛的反谑,但还是想说你们白女的烦忧和苦痛就这么点吗,你们活得还是太幸福了些😶