Still a ****** for films that linger on scenes of solitude, scenes of a single person going about their routine for long, long time. It lost a bit of steam towards the end imo with the living room music performance but before that it captures a dreamy atmosphere quite well, yup, as somebody here mentioned, shoegaze is the right word. A probably faithful documentation of people he knows with completely fiction feature forms. Claps for the filmmaker inserting Loft Underground reference into this film, let the sound of that bell ripples through the screen and multiplies unto the ones on the receiving end.
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2023-06-25
Still a ****** for films that linger on scenes of solitude, scenes of a single person going about their routine for long, long time. It lost a bit of steam towards the end imo with the living room music performance but before that it captures a dreamy atmosphere quite well, yup, as somebody here mentioned, shoegaze is the right word. A probably faithful documentation of people he knows with completely fiction feature forms. Claps for the filmmaker inserting Loft Underground reference into this film, let the sound of that bell ripples through the screen and multiplies unto the ones on the receiving end.
NeverSleep 2024-06-22
冷冽的生机 死气沉沉的朝气蓬勃 或许这就是俄罗斯之夏 于WPAC
blood orange 2021-12-01
7。#MardelPlata Altered States
谁砍倒了樱桃树 2024-04-23
Pincent 2021-11-29
7.6 #MarDelPlata# 谁的房间?似乎到后面越来越模糊,那里似乎是任何人的房间和窗台。像是**了梦境,又或者这是每个同龄人或每个还困在俄罗斯的人的房间。孤独一定是共通的。俄耳甫斯身处一个炼狱般的国度里,打开新闻只让焦虑加重。而拯救依然是有希望的,自己可以选择拯救自己,ta行走,选择陪伴,选择音乐,选择爱也可以选择离开。
Flâneuse🌠 2024-06-23
“Love is the fog of soul, why didn’t it disappear then.”
潇不潇洒babe1 2024-06-22