Had high expectations, and was not disappointed. Cara’s the perfect host for this show. The genuine interest in ppl, the affability, the ability to be vulnerable, not to mention the personal experience. She ain’t ** type but I think ik what Annie saw in her now. There r important topics discussed, although sometimes lacking in depth. Excited for S2
Lilac Wine 2022-12-19
没有人比cara更适合这个节目了,事实上还真的挺***,normalize female sexual need
arkansas 2022-12-04
So it is true that one can be openly *** and feel ashamed of being *** at the same time.
jude (chill 2023-05-09
yuer 2023-01-31
e1:性能帮助分泌类似**素的成瘾物质。e2:性倾向和*酮相关。头胎男婴难以很好接受母体的女性营养,营养留在母体并对之后的男胎儿产生影响,所以越多男兄长越可能是queer。女性被***turn on,所以女性被女****画面turn on不等于其为les,男性被其性对象turn on。简单说,关于turn on,女性被身体影响,男性被头脑影响。e3:****上瘾者大脑灰质减少,影响决断机制,通过戒断几个月可恢复。**行业夸张***、歧视、物化女性。e4:胎儿*酮素决定性别。***-出生时的外***,gender-内在内同。1.7%的人是中间性。人类大脑的工作方式中25%男性,25%女性,中间占一半且相对更健康。e5一夫一妻制。意大利47%男的承认**,英国20%,美国20%男的13%女的,墨
透明寂地 2023-02-20
QuietAmbassa 2023-02-23
Had high expectations, and was not disappointed. Cara’s the perfect host for this show. The genuine interest in ppl, the affability, the ability to be vulnerable, not to mention the personal experience. She ain’t ** type but I think ik what Annie saw in her now. There r important topics discussed, although sometimes lacking in depth. Excited for S2
Lilac Wine 2022-12-19
没有人比cara更适合这个节目了,事实上还真的挺***,normalize female sexual need
arkansas 2022-12-04
So it is true that one can be openly *** and feel ashamed of being *** at the same time.
conwei 2023-01-12
Deja Vu 2022-12-18
谢谢卡拉让我正确认识了自己的*** 很有教育意义又有趣的科普纪录片
luka 2023-01-02
BEMYSELF 2024-06-07