老相机里的海浪,无与伦比。Gerry在印尼发现空无一人的浪点,看得我都要起鸡皮疙瘩了;最后结尾的 ** Beach, ** Wave, Go home真是太可爱了
chillaxmoni 2023-09-09
Such a legend. Super inspiring
Toothpaste bb 2024-08-18
Gerry Lopez hella chill, **。但是拍得太商业了,好仓促。
Fangtasia. 2024-07-01
希望我70岁也能继续冲浪 You are only here for a short time, and you have to find some peace within you. Then sharing that peace, contributing to other people's happiness, lets you find the true goal, the true meaning of life.
Eleuterio 2023-06-22
3.5 70岁还在下海真强,Lightning bolt品牌的爆火和没落还挺有启发的
番茄噗噗 2024-08-20
老相机里的海浪,无与伦比。Gerry在印尼发现空无一人的浪点,看得我都要起鸡皮疙瘩了;最后结尾的 ** Beach, ** Wave, Go home真是太可爱了
chillaxmoni 2023-09-09
Such a legend. Super inspiring
Toothpaste bb 2024-08-18
Gerry Lopez hella chill, **。但是拍得太商业了,好仓促。
Fangtasia. 2024-07-01
希望我70岁也能继续冲浪 You are only here for a short time, and you have to find some peace within you. Then sharing that peace, contributing to other people's happiness, lets you find the true goal, the true meaning of life.
NoisC14 2023-04-12
DLREN 2024-09-22