Today is 11/11/2022 and this is one of the most powerful days for em to pass a single thought of living (oho rest assured they wouldnt dare) in this fleeting last 2yrs (eyes watering moment) so in that case guess i could take a day off FINALLY!! (hooray!) also me bein too embarrassed by how much i touched ** phone whenever im supposed to be focused
okyooncho 2022-11-21
阿飞 2023-01-30
#46th Göteborg#Tribeca2022 女性/幼童面对***时的创伤与痛苦,在当下的情境中本是非常值得深挖的命题,却在本该严肃讨论的时刻大量插入了**的场景并迷失其中。与其说是情绪的堆叠与滥用,不如说是导演缺乏最基本的结构叙事的能力,因而只能通过奇观化的影像本身在**的边缘游走,但很难触及**的本质,更无法延伸出对现实的关注与批判。毫无疑问是不懂节制的反例。
新恒结义 2022-07-10
🍄 2022-11-11
Today is 11/11/2022 and this is one of the most powerful days for em to pass a single thought of living (oho rest assured they wouldnt dare) in this fleeting last 2yrs (eyes watering moment) so in that case guess i could take a day off FINALLY!! (hooray!) also me bein too embarrassed by how much i touched ** phone whenever im supposed to be focused
降 2022-08-28
too much,总有方法可以不把挣扎讲得这么大声和喧哗。
YuBo 2023-02-05
KsirenK 2022-09-17
就…撞色的色彩 羽毛 荧光 雕塑 绷带 鳞片 喷涌而出的blood和时不时出现的小木质人偶 飘渺变焦的镜头意识流 我是真的会谢 太多mix看得我也会喷火了 要素太多拼起来阴间的一批 (人家可能想表现的就是这个吧🤦🏻♀️
Marutvat 2022-08-27
Nice pieces here and there but overall too much stuff going on.
基瑞尔 2023-01-30
借用女孩目睹的*****以及随之而来的挣扎、创伤应激与**作为视角,写就一起成长觉醒**。导演Del Kathryn Barton并非专业出身,而是作为画家**艺术家活跃;因此电影当中的很大部分都依靠于女孩想象的龙式巨物来寄托她的精神所想以及在这起**中的变化与思考,和《当怪物来敲门》的设计有些类同。如此抢眼、鲜明的讯息宣召,如此充满力量的**风格;它可能拥有在处理同类题材所没有的华丽与独特。尽管在叙事上略有缺憾,但不能掩盖表演和呈现上绽放的光芒。
子当归零 2022-09-22
这个音乐表现内心世界的手段 也是有点过于混乱了