A young Englishman abroad, Michael, visits the local low-life spot of Tiger Bay to **** his assertion that the spirit of human romance survives even in the most unpromising of circumstances. He intervenes when a local criminal protection racketeer targets a Chinese nightclub, and falls in love with the owner's young English foster-sister. But Olaf's gang have only just started ...
Gradisca 2018-06-20
虽然那个年代的电影剧情逻辑普遍不怎么紧密, 但这部也太差了. 烂漫天真的一对恋人明知有危险还晚上出去约会, **那段戏看得我也真是尴尬, **前两人的告白没有任何情感可言, 就是在念台词. 最后黄柳霜死得莫名其妙, 如此强悍的一个**竟不为自己的生命去做争取, 说**就**, 这也太说不过去了.
一见钟情 2020-01-07
说得好,所以楼下可以给资源吗,最好度盘的( •̆ ᵕ •̆ )◞♡↓