《路不相同》又名2 Young 2 Die、Kill、Left 2 Die。
Freddy as a child, witnessed his parents murdered by three robbers dressed in clown masks. This crime sent him in a frenzy of revenge that would include anyone he can get his bloody axe into. When six teenagers go on a weekend ***** trip of ***, beer and drugs, each one ends up with a bloody death. But when Laura, is left for dead, she goes to hell in a way she never thought wo...
月之殇 2020-07-13
JUMP一番 2017-04-13
还不错。evil ever after里的小胖子和小胖子**联袂出演,虽然小胖子刚开始就挂了。此片跟evil ever after 风格也类似。小男孩小时候目睹父母惨遭歹毒杀害留下心理阴影,长大后摇身一变成了斧头**狂在森林里疯狂**2B青年。值得一提的是,结局完全出乎我的意料
哟哟 2019-01-11
Gore赞 2020-06-16
****狂 可能已经不是人了 挺血腥的