《机器与花园》又名The Machine and the Garden。
A Kyiv-based artist, researcher, and writer whose practice illuminatingly interrogates Soviet and post-Soviet history with special emphasis on his native Ukraine, Larion Lozovoy (b. 1987) repurposes eight USSR feature-films (1936-1956) to underline his nation’s role as the “breadbasket of Europe”. Developed as both as film and two-channel installation, the work economically har...
三岛 2022-08-07
#FIDMarseille - A Ukrainian Youth
胤祥 2022-07-12
#2022 FIDMarseille# A Ukrainian Youth(2014-2022) 双屏录像,对电影史名片“风景”段落的再探索
熊仔俠 2022-07-18
Pincent 2022-07-14
72/100 #FIDMarseille A Ukrainian Youth#