An American filmmaker arrives in the Argentinian pampa to film Matadero: a founding narrative of class struggle where a group of laborers slaughter their bosses like cattle. It is 1974, the violent persecution of the left has just begun in Argentina, and the young actors in the film are on the verge of taking a leap into full time clandestine militancy.
刘小黛 2022-09-02
KID Y 2023-07-17
5.5 元电影的另外一种选择,试图去诠释电影在特殊**(或者说是所有**)作为助纣为虐的工具,因此在形式上有意规避影像中任何的剥削,几乎没有用摄影机创造虚构的暴力而只记录真实的暴力,从而从根本思路上与其对抗;问题在于这样的拍法让整部影片都干燥得像是一篇没有任何写作**的学术**,种种束缚下戏中戏的成果已经和所谓b级片没有一丁点关系了,可以感觉到导演的用心但除了恰到好处的**以外都不太好看。