Reflecting on her own culpability, a woman recounts the traumatising assault she witnessed of a young man in a small Australian coastal town. In a feral, close-knit coastal town that might have sprung from a Justin Kurzel film, a young man endures a traumatic assault that prompts an astonishing physical transformation. David Robinson-Smith’s accomplished drama confronts the fal...
Gooner🌈 2022-08-13
把一个螃蟹放桶里 它能爬出来 把一堆螃蟹放桶里就一个也爬不出来了
KLY 2023-06-10
10/6/2023 @ 電影中心 [freshwave]。
別有用心*** 2023-06-26
2023 Fresh Wave 70$ Golden Scene 〈邊緣世界〉post talk with大群主創 港譯:泥蟹悲歌 音效師、sound designer 加大盤碟頭飯,其餘的人物演繹與敘事並沒有讓我感受到有何「悲歌」,但放邊緣世界倒是貼切
Tara 2022-08-23
讲bullying讲的有点复杂 艺术感十足 mud crab那句话很点题 人类和泥螃蟹一样脏 一样hectic
LatestNews 2023-06-23
過於依賴視聽語言帶動情緒了 但是技術不錯