A brand new capital – in the middle of the desert! And an Icon building – a Taj Mahal, or a Sydney Operahouse that will be the gateway to the **** and a symbol to the entire world! This is what His Highness Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi in The United Arab Emirate Ras Al Khaimah has commissioned. The Norwegian architectural firm Snøhetta has been invited to present their vision...
NORDOX 2010-10-02
《沙漠城堡》 荒漠之中,一个全新的都市! 一个标志性建筑-是泰姬陵还是**歌剧院,通向城市的必由之路,整个世界的象征。导演凯狄跟随挪威建筑师**赫达在阿联酋哈伊马角的独一无二的建筑项目中下赌注。 Eirin Gjørv | Lightsource Film Productions | 挪威 | 2007 | 50 分钟 | DIGIBETA
蘭女 2011-05-09