《饱受痛苦》又名Must Be Painful。
Danny, a Czech student, and his Spanish boyfriend go on a trip to the Czech countryside. At the railway station they meet a couple of locals who do not know Danny understands them, so they start to make sarcastic comments. It does not take long until this situation generates a conflict, the outcome of which is devastating for both couples.—The Czech Film Center
龙舌头🌈 2021-10-27
hayden 2022-04-04
讽刺而搞笑的一幕是候车间里,一对恐同异**侣在谈论和嘲笑对面这一对同***,而其中一人其实能讲捷克语只是不揭穿,后面因为接电话不得不暴露,这一对异**侣瞬间有一种反过来被嘲弄的感觉,恼羞成怒。双方各有问题,异性一对,女方隐瞒自己有老公的实情;同性****方先斩后奏自己申请领养小孩的事。Must Be Painful是异***在谈论同性一对的**方式。
PAUL 2021-10-26
可能所有的情感都要饱受痛苦 但是否注意到,我们其实是在等候开赴未来的列车…
大洋洲 2021-10-29