A woman returns to her hometown of Lagos in search of healing. What she discovers instead is a path that takes her into her past and toward a new understanding of the people and experiences that shaped her.
Mr. Lei 2022-06-23
【Vienna Shorts】多年之后重回故土,与昔日恋人重逢
魍汐 2023-02-03
只有母亲的离世,才能让出走的孩子有勇气重回故土。眼前和身后是两个世界,宗教,种族,社会阶层…… 干净利落的光头,衣着先锋华丽的黑人女子终于融入了西方社会。故乡只剩下一些刺眼的碎片。格格不入的教堂,脏兮兮的菜市场,抓着自己裤腿的乞讨者,昔日恋人,和她眼睛流着血的丈夫。在这样的鸿沟之下,我们坐下来谈什么?爱,或是原谅。可谁又曾有过什么错呢。树下安静的笑容,我猜是发自内心的吧。那是两个**最温柔的时刻。
amie**苦多 2022-05-14
一般 ethnical glance 但是对话和剧情都挺普通的 经不起太多推敲 感觉还是典型的festival work/thesis work
苦難與陽光之間 2022-12-31
A young woman who lived in London and married to a woman returns home to Nigeria. Seeing her child “crush”, the maid at her home when she was young. Like the camera movements and the filter.
狗牙 2022-05-09
2022 CUFF 哥伦比亚大学电影节展映;2021 *****电影节 最佳**短片