Donald is visiting the Grand Canyon as Ranger Woodlore narrates its various attractions. Donald tends to be a thorn in the ranger's side, bothering Native sand painters, borrowing a rain dance outfit heralding the inevitable raincloud, and getting into an argument with his own echo in Echo Canyon. Eventually, Donald loses track of his burro and his search for the lost animal di...
Panda的影音 2023-12-20
豪华的峡谷 Grand Canyonscope (1954):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1kx411Q7zT?p=52
QuietAmbassa 2020-01-02
挺不错的tourist courtesy short 后面好好笑
MOON 2021-12-07
***继Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom后第二部采用CinemaScope的短片,就是剧情有点无聊!