《神秘博士 第五季》又名异世奇人。
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Telos where an Earth archaeological expedition, led by Professor Parry, is attempting to uncover the lost tombs of the Cybermen. With a lot of **** from the Doctor the archaeologists enter the tombs. There, one of the *****, Klieg, reveals himself and his business partner, Kaftan, to be planning to revive the Cybermen. He wants to use their stre...
Evilly ☣ 2020-12-01
Victor 2022-06-30
磁雷矢 2024-07-25
黑桃生 2020-11-19
第一次掏出音速起子(ep6),第一次用John Smith的名字(ep7),第一次出现Ice Warriors (ep3),第一次Lethbridge-Stewart作为Colonel出场(ep5),第一次即将拥有不是只会尖叫的女性同伴?**人之墓原来是发掘图坦卡蒙的故事(ep1),Yeti机器人设定也很有趣(ep2&5),穷剧组装外星人连泡沫和海草都用上了(ep6),反派跟博士撞脸最后也没个解释就离谱(ep4),但爷爷也说了,"Logic, ** dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority."(我还是要槽,这么简单的单元故事还要分6趴,是因为外星人都语速太慢了吗?沟通效率这么低的外星人到底怎么发展起来的?