A poet loves his new houseplant so much he kills it. A meditation on true love, loneliness, and listening. And an allegory for modern man's relationship with nature, and how it can heal.
嵇澹 2022-01-25
man I love Sarah Snook’s Aussie accent! 可爱的小短片,如诗般流淌的独白和配乐。在门窗紧闭的书堆荒岛上,诗人唯一的朋友是他疏于照顾慢慢枯死的盆栽。春天到来,诗人像打理植物一样裁剪自己蓬乱的头发,终于想起离**间,如何微笑,散步,生活,盆栽的寿命却到达终点。我只能陪你走到这了,你得自己学会相处的,永远的室友和房客,是孤独。I would ***, yes I would ***, but thanks to ** friend I would *** smiling.