A man wanders the streets of a small provincial town, obsessed by the idea of meddling in the lives of others. He runs into a number of people and, after asking their permission, reveals their hidden vices and limitations. It is the only thing that he is able to accomplish, now that rage and destructive energy have given way to imagination and marginal comments.
南辕北辞旧城 2024-09-16
简介应该改一下,男主并不是无差别嘴人,他是只抓着落单的女性怼。他表现得似乎是个善于观察的人,实则是对女***无处疏解,压抑到一定程度后开始在街上,在bar里随机抓着女性一顿嘴炮输出。 抱着极大期待来补第一部,差点被说教味熏跑了(虽然这也算是意大利某些男性的一大特色了吧竟然是写实作品呢嘻嘻)第一部题目更应景一点不该被译为“如果我能”而应该是“恕我直言”或“我没有恶意(但是你应该…)”